Season 2018-2019

Soaring Eagles Sailing Bahamas Bonds Cay Sunset

Bonds, Bonds Cay

Nov 17/18 Bonds, Bonds Cay. Something happened last night. At some point in the night something almost miraculous took place – the humidity broke. We awoke to find that the heavy, uncomfortable, oppressive blanket of dense humidity had been lifted and now the air felt clean and fresh. We smiled. Everyone smiled. Breathe deeply, ahhhh …

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Soaring Eagles Sailing Season 2018-2019

We Are Back On The Water Again! (almost)

Wow. Wow! WOW!! The last week has been a little like being caught in the middle of a physical and emotional tornado and it isn’t quite over yet. Nov 5 We flew from Toronto to Tampa. Short uneventful. Just a happy, reasonably good-looking , couple from Canada flying to Florida with their luggage. Pretty much …

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